Is Resident Evil Village the Best of the Series? How it Ranks

With Resident Evil Village out in all its glory, where does it rank in the long running Resident Evil franchise? All rankings are of course subjective, but after a full play though (or two) of Village, here's where I have it ranking amongst both the mainline and spinoff RE games. I'm sticking to the top …

The PlayStation Plus Collection Makes PS Plus Even Sweeter for PS5 Owners

PlayStation Plus is even sweeter for PS5 owners than for those still playing on a PS4. In addition to the usual benefits of 2-3 monthly PS4 and PS5 games, cloud storage, and occasional discounts at the Playstation Store, PS5 owners get access to the PlayStation Plus Collection featuring 20 solid titles from the PS4 era. …

Why Some People Refer to the Original PlayStation as the PSX

Since the name of this blog is "PSXMag", I figured I should explain where the name comes from. No, it's not just because I couldn't afford a better domain name (though that's probably true as well). For those plugged into the gaming industry back in the mid-1990s, you may recall the hype leading up to …